We'd like to give a shout out to some close friends, a Nu-School breaks outfit known as The Magnet Men. The Magnet Men are like the anti-Stunners or Stunners in a parallel universe, where vodka equates to beer and sluts are replaced by the comfort of a cold kitchen floor as they drift out of consciousness. Check their myspace pictures for a full lifestyle overview. They live in poverty committed to their music production like true artists.

So it's a pleasure to congratulate them on their first vinyl single release. It entered at no.1 on the breaks chart at Juno records and has now sold out, everywhere. If you're a filthy breaks raver, go get yourself a copy upon the re-release (and have a shower while you are at it). If not get a copy anyway coz they do their own cover design and it's pretty.

You can buy the single here, also here is a track they did a while ago.
The Magnet Men - The Patient