OK, so slightly far fetched title pun from Noel Coward penned Mad Dogs and Englishmen. But thats the best way to describe the past few weeks. Yes we have been blessed with many a beautiful and charming girl from down-under. None more incredible than Ms Stephanie Carta, who turns out to be the mystery model from the shower at The Demolition Party. Well that is certainly one way to meet. Since their reunion, Stephanie and Wade have formed a formidable partnership, she even writes an amazing blog. Not often do we come across a like minded individual like Stephanie and we embrace here into our Stunners bosom. In an ideal world we would all move together with our Brothers and Sisters around the world and live on The Island (with sponsored Vodka of course).

Home to many of these wonderful nights have been at Maddox, who at first we didn't like too much of as a club, but over the past few weeks and particularly since Halloween has been an essential weekly fixture in the Stunners Diary. A lot of the thanks should go to Alex Lambrechts, who has managed to pull a vast array of beautiful girls out of the woodwork (not for the first time), but also so Swastika Pete who has been spinning with Wade and the occasional Hogwarts student. The nights start with a models squeezed into life-raft style dinner followed by pure Rock'n'Roll carnage. All in all Wednesdays at Maddox is the place to be, so come on down.

Join our
Facebook Group and check out some amazing photos taken by none other than Mr Lambrechts himself.

Who hosts the occasional after-party. Very messy after party. Waking up with blank memory after party.
Don't try this at home kids. Stunners are highly trained street stuntmen and can more than likely fly anyway.