Field Day was upon us again this year with as strong a line up as ever, and for 30 quid a ticket, a real bargain. The forecast was for heavy rain but it was holding dry as our we arrived and made our first port of call in the Bugged Out! tent to catch Aeroplane. They played this tune which is pretty big on the hype right now.
Junkie XL - Cosmic Rave
After that we moved over to the main stage to catch The Horrors, whose new album, 'Primary Colours', is out now on

After The Horrors it was back to the Bugged Out tent to see Erol, who did not disappoint, despite the rather lacklustre soundsystem. Erol has finally done some original productions after a slew of amazing remixes, with none other than Boys Noize. What a partnership! We look forward to hearing 'Waves' and 'Death Suite' real soon.

Last up was the Mystery Jets, who were on spectacular form, singing all the hits from their first and (Erol produced) second album. It was an emotional end to the night.
Two Doors Down (Duke Dumont Remix) - Mystery Jets