6 years ago, we all went to NYC for the first time. Who would of thought that all these years later we would be attending Spiky & Amy's wedding reception (I know we did all look ridiculous). It was almost like a Trash reunion set in the lavish surroundings of the Masons Temple of the Great Eastern Hotel. We hadn't been there since the hot tub days of Return To NY (how we miss you so). It was a fabulous affair with a lot of love in the air. It was great to see the two families coming together. Are we now grown ups? Spiky & Amy are married, Lindwall is engaged, Wade is divorced, when did all this happen?.

Amy's dad speech was a tear jerker, and Jordee's was extremely funny and well prepared, Wade on the other hand scrapped his best man speech 5 minutes beforehand (not the best idea he has ever had) but managed to somehow "showbiz" it out. The best part of the night though was the Conga followed my "What do we do with the drunken Sailor" dance routine. Spiky looked great in his Dior suit, and Amy as always looked immaculate. After we all went to The Ye Old Axe strip bar rockabilly night, which was ace.
Here is Blonde Acid Cult's new video. They just played a gig at the Tribeca Grand in NYC which went down a storm, the editor of Rolling Stone said he got the same kinda buzz as when he saw The Strokes for the first time.