"Go back a few decades and school kids wanted to be pop stars, astronauts and nurses. Today, they want to be glamour models, reality TV stars and.... DJs. Stunners International are turntable masters who really aren't the best role models, but they throw a helluva party.
Just in case you thought the Rock'n'Roll lifestyle remained in the unreliable hands of the faltering and on-their-last-legs, gruesome twosome Amy Winehouse and Pete Doherty, think again. Take a look at these two decadent model-come-DJs who are living it up all over Londontown. Oh, sure you say, what are they up to that's so great?.
Well, how about sharing hot tubs with Lindsay Lohan, taking Camilla Al Fayed to LA's seediest strip joints and getting girls to strip and snog for their DJ sets.
You may have come across the slightly dubious DJ outfit known as Stunners International a few years back when they managed to get a bit of press of the back of founder Wade Crescent. Rewind about five years and the towering, razor-cheeked skinny lad was about as hot as you got in the land of male models.
These days Wade is turning 30, still looking a little "herion chic" if with a hint of a paunch and still living the life organizing parting and DJing for the fashion world. Wade's current partner in crime is the much younger, and slightly fresher looking Fionn MacDiarmid. Aged 23, he models in his spare time - look out, he's the next face of Specsavers, don't cha know?
That's when he's not slugging back bottled of vodka, getting naked at gigs and making off with 17-year-old models. "You want Rock'n'Roll decadence? he asks. "Well, the other night at this party I got naked and before I knew it my mate had put my penis in his mouth. Well, I wasn't that happy about it, so I then decided to pee in his mouth. Yes, it was hilarious..."
The Stunners have built up a bit of a London following through their parties and DJ nights at Sketch. So much so, that the likes of Uber-trendy celeb club Bungalow8 get in touch with the boys when they want to fill the place with their gorgeous gang.
"Our lot are mainly fashion people, all young, all stunning and up for a party" Wade says.
For a moment, I wonder whether the 24-hour Rock'n'Roll party life is all that, if after years at it, when the first flush of youth has been washed away, whether there might be a little emptiness inside. But as the boys get up to go, shrugging on their black leather jackets, casually cutting dashing figures, I am reassured and relieved that the party is still on and it's just oozing Rock'n'Roll style." Interview by Julia Rebaudo