Margo & Wade attended the VISA Swap party with the rest of the gang. It was actually quite fun and Sigmund was live DJing the fashion show. Which we definitely improved on with some hand clapping to Gary Glitter and some general cheering along. There was a lot of paparazzi attention, but we were shocked to see a massive feature in The Sun claiming the two are going out, well we all know they would make the hottest couple in the world. They also mentioned that Wade is a former 250 pound an hour hooker, well we all know he can more than justify that fee, but it's simply not true. On a plus note, with 7.9 million people readership, many would of noticed how fuckin gorgeous Margo looked in her Stunners T-shirt and how super cool Wade looked in his Life Is Boring Cazals T-shirt, designed by Andre.

So here we have a video exclusive which never got released. The video for Cazals debut single Beat Me To The Bone featuring this Happy Couple.