Well there couldn't ever be a different title for this exciting episode. We had a slight hangover but hanging out with Taylor for the day definitely got rid of that. We met up with Kristin Cavallari. it's been reported in the press to be dating Sebastian. She is the girl from Laguna Beach, we met up with her before some fashion show at The Setai, she was with her mother who was just simply awesome. We had a dinner laid on for us but were more interested in shots.

We went backstage, which, may I tell you is sensory overload for a hot blooded male. The show was pretty decent, then we went on to Heathrow, a new club with possibly the worst name in history. We were playing records, but nothing worked, the fire alarm went off, the bass broke, it was possibly the worst gig ever, but we still rocked it when given the chance, a really big hit out here is Crookers remix of Kid Cudi's Day'n'Night.

This was only the beginning, we went back to Kristin's, who had now been joined by supermodel May Andersen. We cleared the mini-bar etc and went down for some skinny-dipping. This would seem like the best night of all time, but in the world of Stunners, it's never quite enough and the complete idiots left the girls wanting more and headed back to Sebastians to meet up with 9 girls who were waiting for some jacuzzi action. This is sadly where the story has to end...