Victoria Park was the destination for a rain swept Field Day 2008. Fionn, Nick & Marits blagged free entry though the Crookers (thanks guys!), so despite the shit weather, it was great to be there. A shout out first off to The Lovely Jonjo and Rory Phillips (of Trash/Durrr fame and long time Stunner's cohorts) who despite technical difficulties, smashed it in the Bloggers Delight tent. Rory played this disco monster which we though was a rather apt choice considering the weather.

The Bugged Out tent was the place to be where we first saw Crookers rip the place apart. They really did rock it. Fionn got polaroided by some casting girl who then gave him some ketamin - so thats Special K for breakfast and lunch! This was one of the big Crookers remixes in their set.
Following a few rain soaked beers, Fionn teaching the lads the art of the secret portable toilet in a bottle and a brief glimpse of The Emperor Machine, we headed back into the shelter of the Bugged Out tent to see James Holden who was on top form. This intense slice of techno was one of the highlights.
This was Richie Hawtin headlining the Bugged Out Tent. Ooooh the techno...
Halfway through that Marits and Fionn (minus Nick who had to dj at Sketch poor guy) went to go see Simian Mobile Disco play live. Once again they didn't disappoint - this progressive track off their last e.p. was a particular highlight.
After Field Day it all started to get more blurry but we all eventually met up in The End where both SMD and Crookers played the after party - what a night. The after after party was in a secret location out in the nether regions of east London in a mysterious place called the Fucktory and was totally rocked by Sir Mixalot of Bow - otherwise known as Fionn.