So after 3 days of tech support. We could not wait to meet up with Cal & Nick and get back into the swing of things. We were heading to Emily's for a few beers in Williamsburg. So we had them meet us straight there. She said she was hanging with her friend Luke from the Kooks (the singer). We have in all honesty never really heard a Kooks song but had a preconceived idea that they are basically too indie (us being nice). How wrong we were. We drank beer, played monopoly and listened to good tunes all evening. By the time we got into a taxi to meet up with Spiky we were practically fully paid up members of The Kooks fanclub.

We had loads of drinks at The Soho Grand then went to meet up with Riot Girl and the rest of the night involved the classic cocktail of vodka and models, but we also had some crazy Brazilian type of poppers. We ended up at Beatrice, where we met up with Luke again, who seemed to be having the time of his life. We then ended back at Riot Girls, but we will need to dedicate a whole post to her.

The next day we went to Williamsburg to see MGMT play a free show in Macarran Park. Jelly NYC have been doing weekly shows there, with The Breeders and The Liars also playing. We got there super duper late and there were a million people trying to get in. We took the Stunners entrance which included trees and a wall. The gig itself was pretty decent, it was quite loose and obviously Time To Pretend and Electric Feel went down a treat. As an encore they started out with a 16 minute prog rock tune, which is apparently their "real sound". Everyone got fuckin bored, but grinned and bared it because Kids was yet to come and they didn't disappoint. Hit of the summer.

Here is The Kooks cover of Gnarls Barkley's Crazy and a Bmore remix of Kids