So after a disgraceful opening half, we did get our act together for the 2nd part of fashion week. Thank god, thanks to a lot of TLC from Spiky and Amy. We went to the in-store Number 9 party which was fun, the Blonde Acid Cult boys were all there, but then we decided to go to The Rose Bar at The Grammercy, completely stumbling across the most insane door queue ever. The Kooks were playing live with none other than Jane's Addiction. The hotel bar was totally packed. Thank god our friend Andy who use to work at The Delano was on hand to supply us with loads of drinks. In all honesty it's the first time we had heard most of the songs but it went over down a storm. We then all ended up back in Luke's hotel room for an after party, Spiky managed to piss him off a bit for saying they were basically shit, then again he was hanging out in Liam Gallagher and Paul Weller's hotel room the night before, so fair comment. PS saw Heather Graham, she is smoking hot.

The next night got even messier though. Wade started off meeting up with Hope (remember the one that Sebastian helped lose), well Wade found her, and they spent the day at the shows, running around backstage, watching random ones, causing all sorts of mischief and even getting on a carousel instead of watching Anna Sui's show. They did make it backstage though with Aggy, Stam, Donaldson etc.

Hope had to get up super early, so Wade met up with Chris and Luke for some Dr Martens rooftop party with legendary photographer Mick Rock playing records. We were billed as celebrities and they actually couriered as DMs the next day. After that it was off to old CBGB's where Jane's Addiction were playing the John Vervatos store party, check out the video here. It was actually mega impossible to get in, but luckily all the PR was done by Purple (London), so we got stroll right in. Belvedere Vodka aplenty we were soon diving into bins. That's it, was The End of Fashion Week via The Beatrice, of course.