So Time Out celebrates 40 this week and one of our favorites girls happens to be one of London's 40 icons. We have known Lily Cole since she was barely a teenager and she has turned into a beautiful woman. You can read "her" interview here. The thing to bare in mind was that she let Wade & Spiky write it for her on a drunk night out, so she might come across a little arrogant, however the publicist obviously censored most of it. Well done Lily by the way.
Also well done to Erol Alkan for making the list. He is definitely one of our London icons and one of the main catalysts for a lot bands, friendships and shag-ons. He has produced 3 outstanding albums this year, Late Of The Pier's perhaps being the finest. You can read the interview here. This is one of the standout tracks from LOTP's Fantasy Black Channel album.