Well we were rather excited about fashion week and started off in good form. We met up with Chris who had joined the crew after Calum's departure to London, we headed to the Christies Party which was pretty decent. Managed to drink a decent amount of Champagne. We then met up at the Bowery Electric with the always charming Anna Barnett, she actually came with us to Miami also, but can normally be seen in the Cat & Mutton in London Fields. She works for Kelly Osbourne who we hadn't seen in ages which was quite nice. She did however upset Chris (she fancied him for sure). So Chris headed off to Beatrice. This is where it all went wrong...

Riot Girl and the equally wild and hot Stunnerette Shannon2 were in the area and swung by to pick Wade up and take him to 1Oak (models & bottles), slightly vulnerable after too much champagne, Wade came along and slipped into a vodka session to end all vodka sessions...

... having the best 48 hours ever but ending up sleeping on a park bench. Not a good look, particularly not during fashion week. He even missed the Marc Jacobs show.