The recent fire in the Eurostar tunnel had made it a lot easier to change your ticket, thank god we needed to recover after a heavy month. We ended up missing the first 3 nights of fashion week, but we did turn up in Paris revitalized.
We met up with Chris and Roxie for the best steak with mashed potatoes and a rich creamy bearnaise sauce. We followed that up with vast amounts of vodka. We met up with Annabelle Wallis at the Alexander McQueen party, she was the lovely Lara Bohinc, extremely talented Jewelry designer and now Mum, she looked amazing considering she only gave my birth a few months ago, we were actually meant to play the delivery but were in NY at the time.
We brought them along to Le Baron where we were playing, and as we have mentioned loads before on this blog, it's one of our favorite places to play. This time we had the Olsen twins boogying down with as always a million hot chicks.
None hotter though than Angela, who Wade had arranged to meet up with on the dance-floor and she arrived perfectly to tango... (missing scenes)
The next night we went so a Prada dinner after party where we up with Mr Laskey and his lovely friend Eden, who happens to be on the front cover of Vogue this month. We also met up with Finish stunner Ms Annika Stenvall who as ever was "Riot Girling". We left pretty quickly to go to the Paul&Joe party we were playing, but some reason it wasn't really happening, we did get there at 3am, has to be said. But luckily was still a free bar, so we ended up having the best most unpretentious fun.
By Sunday we were starting to feel the pain, but still tried to steal the Mona Lisa, on touching another painting security was over Wade in millie-seconds. We did have a love bike journey through Paris and believe it or not came across Haders!!!

That night went to Regine that night for the New York New York party, and it was great seeing Tommy Salah, Misshapes and Spencer Product. We spent most of the time running around the kitchen through these catacombs. Thanks to Dan for letting us stay, but it seemed Laskey had the most fun with a British super model in a strip bar. Dammit.